Thursday, October 24, 2013


I was always amused by the stories of the larger than life Banditos. There was one in an old Ortega commercial that was really good. Here is one (or part of one) I made up years ago to amuse myself and my friend Dave.


LDM said...

I found 3 pennies , 2 paperclips and a stick of chewing gum in my desk drawer. What do you think Constructosfuq could do with those?

CuTRis said...

He would probably build a large suspension bridge...

Jaggibutt said...

I once saw Constructosfuq build a Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier with nothing but a seagull feather and a couple of french fries.

LDM said...

Imagine what he could do with a happy meal!

CuTRis said...

The outcome of giving Constructosfuq a "Happy Meal" is limitless! He was known once back in 1998 to have built four parking ramps with a napkin and small cheeseburger alone. If you were to add fries or apple slices along with milk and a toy--I can't even begin to imagine what he could create!

LDM said...

I forgot about the toy!
he could probably reconstruct my borg cube with all that!

Jaggibutt said...

Most amazing thing I ever saw him do was that time Destructosfuq was in China and he leveled the Great Wall.
2 hours later, Constructosfuq had put it back together with just a nail file and some spit.

CuTRis said...

Of course that is impressive, but one should never forget the "quarrel of 2007," when Destructosfuq in a fit of rage leveled The Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. Before anyone even noticed, Constructosfuq rebuilt it in six minutes using only a scratched "Nine Inch Nails" CD and four rubber bands. That was an impressive piece of work!