Friday, April 27, 2018

The Ugly Truth

…And suddenly, the modern political thoughts met the cruel reality of truth. Ancient societies did not live peaceful, idyllic lives prior to pre-Columbus colonization. The graveyard full of murdered children somehow did not fit that image—even though archeologists had unearthed the truth of it.

And even the most likeable of people could be guilty of despicable crimes.

But if we cannot take the word of the liberals, can we trust the conservatives? Doesn't the fact that the conservatives' obsession with guns (that in their minds) supersedes the carnage of the mass shootings that continue to go unchecked make their position absurd as well?

Am I left to (actually) believe myself? Because I see humanity as having cruel and murderous tendencies; as well as kind and loving ones! Can it be that no one is right… or maybe everyone is right… or wrong? Could it be that the erosion of the family and family values has left large groups of people uninterested in law and order and education and working for a living? My only advice is to think realistically about things before you jump on that politically correct (or conservative) bandwagon…

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

CuTRis Pinches Government

CuTRis Pinches Government
UnAssociated Press
April 24, 2018

Sources in East Korea claim that CuTRis pinched the government "for no reason!" They have told on CuTRis and he is sure to get into big trouble!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Peter Rabbit's Birthday

Three years ago, my son's grandpa made him a stuffed rabbit at Build-A-Bear. There was already a tiny stuffed rabbit named "Peter," but the large rabbit became (Big) "Peter Rabbit." Pictured with Peter Rabbit (middle) are (from left to right) Nibbles, Baby Giraffe, and (Little) Peter Rabbit. Those three "live" on my son's bed. Big Peter Rabbit, however, is the travel bunny. Whenever we get in the car to go somewhere, Peter Rabbit comes along. He has been much loved in three years; and it shows!
Yes, that is a carrot cake!

Monday, April 16, 2018

The April Snowstorm of 2018

There was around 15 to 20 inches of snow around the St. Paul/Minneapolis area over the weekend (depending on the location). It would have been more, but started with rain and ice on Friday.

Friday, April 13, 2018

More Snow for Mid-April

Coming soon!

Our Solar System

My son is in Kindergarten and so he decided on his own, to make a model of our solar system with paper and color pencils. At his age I was probably watching ants...

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Door is a Jar

The new car was unfamiliar to him. And now, it was talking! It kept chiming and repeating,
"The door is ajar, the door is ajar, the door is ajar..."
He looked at the car door. It was not a jar. There was nothing about the car door that even remotely resembled a jar. It did not look like a glass jar, it was not a cylinder. Yet the car kept repeating,
"The door is ajar, the door is ajar, the door is ajar..."
He was starting to become annoyed. He wasn't sure what to do. If he tried to drive it now, it would instead, drive him crazy. The car kept chiming and saying,
"The door is ajar, the door is ajar, the door is ajar..."
Finally, he disgustedly slammed the car door shut in frustration. And all at once, the car stopped talking...

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Marrying for Money Doesn't Make You Happy

Marrying for Money Doesn't Make You Happy
UnAssociated Press
April 10, 2018

A new study published by some guy from Saskatoon, shows that people who marry for financial gain are not happy as a result.

When Winter Won't Go Away

When winter weather persists into mid-April, it is more important than ever, to start your day with a good breakfast.

Friday, April 06, 2018


My father-in-law brought his family to the United States from a war-zone in Laos. An honorable man, he lives by what he thinks is right, rather than what other people do. Today he is having emergency surgery and he desperately needs a new kidney. Please say a prayer.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018