Friday, August 30, 2013

Discrimination Isn't Always Racial

Aldo was talking to his neighbor Jeblinka Johnson one day about her son Tyreese. Apparently Tyreese had applied for a job at the hardware store down the street and he wasn't hired. Jeblinka was furious, because their other neighbor, Brian, who was the same age as Tyreese was now working at the hardware store. Jeblinka was sure that Tyreese was discriminated against. About that time, a school bus stopped on the corner and Brian got off of it. Brian waved to Aldo and Jeblinka, and said 'hello' before running into his house. For a moment Aldo wondered why Tyreese wasn't getting off of the bus since he and Brian were about the same age. But then Aldo remembered that he had seen Tyreese downtown earlier in the day. Tyreese had been hanging out with some other young men on a street corner. Aldo knew it was Tyreese, because of the tattoo on his neck. Meanwhile, Jeblinka had begun badmouthing the owner of the hardware store as being a racist. A few moments later, Brian ran out of his house. He waved again and ran down the street wearing his work shirt for the hardware store. He must be a busy kid, Aldo thought. Soon Aldo noticed Tyreese and some other young men walking down the street toward him and Jeblinka. He wondered if Tyreese and his friends would be able to do very much work when they seemed to have to hold their pants up with one hand as they walked. Jeblinka was now using some pretty inappropriate language to describe the hardware store owner, his store and Brian. Aldo let her know that he needed to go home and start dinner and then he said goodbye and went inside.

Draw your own conclusions. No group was specifically named and it is common knowledge that education and proper attire will help win a job in an interview. It is purely up to the individual whether the most benefits come from fighting the system or not. Employers are going to try to hire the person who appears to be best qualified and most responsible and trustworthy. Why would they not?

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