Thursday, January 07, 2021

Peaceful Transition?

The United States of America is scheduled for a trumpectomy in 13 days. His brainwashed legions are still at it. I've now seen ridiculous claims that yesterday's insurrection was staged by the left. I've made my belief clear that both right and left have forsaken the truth; particularly where social media and news media are concerned. That means we need to rely on our own sense of decency and logic to get through the next two weeks. I don't believe this is over or that a peaceful transition of power is for certain. A percentage of the population has been radicalized and truth, logic and democratic principles have been replaced. These self proclaimed patriots, are no longer aware or concerned with the welfare of our democratic union or its citizens. Furthermore, we are still dealing with a pandemic. Stay safe. Stay smart. And don't fall for the continuous disinformation that will keep coming at us.

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