Thursday, January 28, 2021

Is there Truth in the USA?

In the United States, the two political parties hold all the political power. There is a small overlap in the middle of the two, where TRUTH and HONESTY live. As one moves further to the right or left, truth fades into political leveraging and disinformation. Very likely, the parties are instrumental for the social divisions and unrest. In fact, political gains by one side create an immediate backlash that fuels the following of the opposition. Most people are afraid to speak. Speaking the truth immediately releases the demons of disinformation who try to paint you into the opposition. No one actually wants to hear anyone else’s opinions—because they are preoccupied with being “right.”

The United States has become unbalanced. Can we support justice without demonizing law enforcement? It seems not. Can we protect the environment while simultaneously balancing the need for affordable energy and jobs? Low marks here too. Can we champion equality truthfully, and engage everyone in sharing the responsibility? Not so far from what I’m seeing. Can we portray anything truthfully and fairly? If the issue is politically charged, definitely not.

Right now, there is a group to the left, reveling in their newfound power. The last four years was filled with lies and conspiracies, and they can’t believe how the other side could believe those lies. The right, is reeling from defeat. They were sure that they were patriots, fighting for their rights and freedom. Anyone in the middle, is caught in the “no man’s land” where the two sides sling their buckets of mostly made-up crap at each other.

This won’t get better until we listen to each other. If you identify with one party and find no fault in it, you are likely not seeing things accurately. If your friend says, “the truth is hard to find,” and you think he is attacking your view, you’ve created that idea without proof. If someone doesn’t support your favorite social justice organization, it does not mean that they are against social justice. It means they don’t support that particular organization. If you spend all of your time attacking others’ views and no time listening and trying to understand why they feel the way they do, you have prejudged the situation. If you think that you have all the answers and people who disagree with you are stupid, you may not be as smart as you think.

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