Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Permit to Carry Gun Not the Same as Responsible to Carry

Just down the street from where I live, there is Section 8 Housing that has frequent police visits and is likely the habitat of the people who travel through the neighborhood stealing mail, etc. That said, none of them has ever pulled a gun on me. Yet yesterday, not so far away, a crazy white guy did just that. He also appears to have gotten away with it because he "had a permit to carry." So how many of these people with permits are a danger to the public? Because this guy followed my car into a police parking lot because he wasn't really intent on acting like a person authorized to carry a deadly weapon would be expected to act. Is it truly safer for the rednecks to be armed? If so, who is it safer for? I'm pretty sure if I stopped in a dead-end street rather than a police parking lot this guy would have had no problem shooting me. I'm pretty sure more guns in more hands is not going to make any of us safer. And did you know that private gun sales between individuals is pretty much without restrictions? Americans need to decide if voting for politicians who support laws that allow crazy white guys to carry guns "legally," makes any more sense than allowing anyone else to carry them illegally. Both scenarios pose a danger to law-abiding citizens.


LDM said...

There should be some kind of hearing if somebody pulls a gun on someone else. IF it was justified, fine they go on about their business. If not the permit is revoked.

CuTRis said...

"Hey! You pulled a gun on that guy!"
"No I didn't!"
"Case dismissed!"