Friday, January 17, 2025

Anti-Vaccine Garbage Propaganda

I stopped following a couple of friends I knew way back in school recently, because one was touting MAGA and the other is promoting anti-vaccine misinformation. For the latter, reposting other people's garbage about their child dying from the vaccine without researching it or even considering the alternative world we would live in if there were no vaccines, I just can't argue with people who can't accept science. One could say that seat belts killed a person in a car accident, if that person was wearing a seatbelt. The reality is, the person would have died with or without the seat belt if the accident was severe enough. It's also not unusual for these stories to be completely made up. But these individuals aren't going to be thankful that they don't have to endure an iron lung the way people did back in the 1950s during the polio epidemic. They just want to propagate crap.

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