Friday, April 05, 2024

Stop Believing Crap You Read on Social Media!

I know I've said this before... but I keep seeing people fall for this garbage! So, almost all of these "heartwarming stories," the "facts" from the past, the "super politically correct stories," or the "facts" about immigrants or minorities, or white people, etc. is absolute madeup garbage to push someone's political agenda! It's so disheartening to see the same people not only repeatedly fall for this crap, but continue to share it and repost it. Wow! Have you ever thought about looking this stuff up on legitimate sources before sharing it? Because I do just that all the time! Do you really want to believe garbage that has half a grain of truth and then runs full tilt into make-believe lies and deceit? Are people really dumb enough to continuously be influenced by others who want us to ingest their crap as gospel? Wow! Most of this stuff tips my bullshit meter after a sentence or two, and people repost it again and again!!!

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