Tuesday, September 06, 2022

How Donald Trump will Save Us All

People keep talking about global warming. So what if it's 112° F in Sacramento today? The average temperature on Mercury, is 354° F and you don't see anybody complaining about that! Besides, Donald Trump has a big giant fan in his backyard that's going to cool everything down. He calls it his make America cool again plan.

I also heard someone say the ducks are dying. I just saw one yesterday! It was laying on it's back, but it was still kicking. It will be fine! Like using a whole bunch of fossil fuels is going to hurt anything! If you want to be cool, wrap yourself up in asbestos! You can take that from the guy who told you to drink bleach to combat covid-19!

People are like, "oh, you better be careful or you'll get sick!" And Trump's followers are like, "just grow a third testicle like a real man!"

And Trump is going to bring back VHS tapes too!

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