Thursday, March 31, 2022

Will Smith and the Hollywood Slap

Slap Gate… Slap Heard Around the World… Yesterday when I heard (it’s on the news constantly) about a celebrity who is “traumatized” by Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards, I could only think, “this is what you are traumatized by when babies are being blown-up in Ukraine?”

But today, I heard it again… from another Hollywood celebrity. So, let me tell you, I was not traumatized by the slap. I wasn’t even surprised by it. Things that I’ve seen and experienced that did traumatize me, were far more significant. So thankyou Hollywood, for reinforcing that you, and the rest of the world, live very different lives.

Actors, pretend to be “regular” people in roles that they play. Regular people, actually live those lives. If you were traumatized by the poor choices of two men who ought to know better, consider that pretty much any public schoolteacher has not only witnessed, but probably placed his/her body between two students who were physically assaulting one another.

There is a lot of talk about the slap. There is talk about how Will Smith should have been removed from the awards show; and how he should face “disciplinary” action. Lots of talk, but no action. Talk, talk, talk…

So, shut-up already! Nobody has the guts to do anything about it. The winner of the Best Actor award, has just shown young men that you can assault someone over a bad joke, and get away with it. Stick that up your Oscar!

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