Monday, April 06, 2015

Aggressive Drivers

When I'm driving and someone needs to merge into the lane in front of me, I slow down and let them in. So when I need to switch lanes to get to my exit, I wonder why when I put my signal light on the person behind me (in the lane I need) so often finds it necessary to attempt to block my access. What does this aggressive driving accomplish? It happened twice last evening as I drove home from my in-laws house. In one case, I had little option except miss my exit so I merged anyway. This precipitated honking, light flashing and finger displaying as well as the person (in the big SUV) got into the lane I had come from and passed me and several other cars—before finally cutting back into the original lane (at the last moment) and causing everyone behind to apply the brakes. Why are some people so ornery when they get behind the wheel? Perhaps they own the road and no one has told me about it?

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