Monday, June 09, 2008


Summer has started and the pace has been busy. I'll hit some highlights.
Friday, I got tired of my GM (Pontiac) car problems. I've always driven GM, mostly Grand Am's, and they have stupid issues like the multi-function switch failing ($260) or the security system failing ($375). In the past I've also had head-gasket (total) and transmission (not good) problems. I've complained to GM (and Pontiac) but they don't seem to care about losing a lifetime customer. So, I bought a Ford Fusion. They're rated higher than Toyota Camry and Honda Accord.

My Hmong in-laws had a Saturday (triple) event, that included a shaman, whole cow, two whole pigs and several chickens. These animals are used in ceremony and then served for a feast. As I don't care too much for boiled meat, I spent a significant portion of the day grilling various cuts of beef and pork. I found the event both interesting and exhausting. It is a lot of work and very time consuming. Still, how many white guys get to stand on the edge of the modern and third worlds for a day? On that note, I was even symbolically in the "other world," as I crossed the butchered pig in the doorway. Fortunately, there was beer, that I used in both my grilling and to refresh the grill master!

I am working toward putting my condo up for sale and moving into my wife's house. Eventually we hope to sell her house too, and buy one halfway between the thirty mile distance between where we both live. We are also planning a honeymoon trip.

Regarding my wife, she tends to be more private than I am, so don't expect to see much of her in this blog. I have informed her that once I win the U.S. presidency, she will have to take on a more public role.

1 comment:

Michael Anthony(TNM) said...


I saw one of those Ford's on the road whizzing past me and when I finally caught up to it at the stop light I noticed it had no model badge. Is yours like that?

Very nice! The one I saw was dark with matching wheels...I can't wait until my 94 Grand Am dies.