Saturday, October 12, 2024

Truth and Compassion, or Self-important Evil?

For the entire summer, my family has been dealing with my dad's age and Parkinson's related decline. After a fall in June he ended up in the hospital, and then in Transitional Care, before we then had to find a place for him to get the care he needed that was now too much for my elderly mother to provide. We did find a place that seemed good and they said they would only charge for what he needed. They had good reviews. This place was expensive and didn't provide all the services they charged for. Pricing was "a la carte" which really meant they charged for everything. There were many caring staff, but the Health and Wellness Director, Michelle Allen used bullying when we had concerns. She routinely threatened to raise the price when we had questions, and she blamed inappropriate treatment on dad's dementia. Perhaps she is on commission, but her focus was on extracting as much money from our family as possible. When I asked about hospice care, she insisted dad was not ready. When she began to fight against the hospice care providers and insisted on changing doctor's orders to suit herself, we moved my dying father to a different facility. It was a horrible experience when you're dealing with a dying family member. While moving someone in my dad's situation is not recommended, it was the only course left for us. Now, we are very glad we did it. Even though dad is now unresponsive, the rest of us are more comfortable with his care and who is providing it. It seems that while there are a lot of great people in the world, and a few of them were immigrants who were employed in healthcare where dad was, there is always someone, ready to put money and personal agendas ahead of the welfare of others--even during their darkest hours. It is a real-life example of our world, our nation and our politics. The recent immigrants helping my dad were great! But a self-important person who grew up near the facility dad was in, caused harm without conscience. Then it took my family and some wonderful hospice people to help us to get away from that. So maybe when it's time for you to vote, you might consider the evil residing inside that person who is vilifying immigrants and lying about everything in order to gain power over others. Make sure that you are comfortable being governed by a criminal who lies and uses hate to further his own agenda. Or you could choose the other candidate, who may not be perfect, but tells the truth and has compassion for others.

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