Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Trap, the Vole and the Broad-winged Hawk

A cool thing happened today. It took a while to get to the cool part though. I caught a vole in a mousetrap that I had along the fence along their runways. Unfortunately it didn't die and it was pinned in the trap so when I picked up the trap it started squeaking like crazy. So, I put the trap down and bashed its head in. Then I pulled it out of the trap and threw it over the tall fence into the front yard so that I could go around to the other side and put it in the garbage. But I noticed something through the crack in the fence and took a closer look. It was a Broad-winged hawk who had landed right there where I tossed the mouse. I reached for my phone to get a picture but the hawk picked up the vole and flew away. It was pretty cool, but also stresses why using poisons is not a good method of killing things.

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