Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Laugh Again for only $5.99

I think a lot of people are suffering from depression. The world seems to be on fire. On top of the pandemic, the war, the attempt to takeover the country, daily shootings, racial tensions, inflation... I went through a layoff and both of my wife's parents recently died within 2-1/2 weeks.

So just today, I gave my son a copy of my novel, "Texans are Better."

He was laughing as he read it. So, yeah, it might be gratuitous self-promotion, but I suggest you add a copy to your next Amazon order. I guarantee you will laugh. My friend, Beverly Welch thought it was a bit like "Blazing Saddles." But maybe a bit more PG-13, since I like my mom to be able to read my books without feeling uncomfortable.

So give it a try. Right now, Jeff Bezos makes all the money because people buy subscriptions that pay me like 2 cents. It's only 99 cents for the eBook. But come on... you can buy a paperback for $5.99. It's cheaper than therapy! What's a good laugh worth?

-Kevin J Curtis

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