Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Diversity by Force

I find it discouraging that Americans are being force-fed diversity. When everything is mandated by government and employers, it isn't real. When the media only shows half the story it distorts the truth. It creates a backlash (like how Trump became President). No one likes to be called-out as the bad guy. No one likes to be forgotten as having "no culture." No one wants to be forced to accept someone of another race who they would not accept (for other reasons) if they were both the same race. If you don't like this, you are probably a fake liberal.

What is real, is that some of us have friends who are not the same race as us. Some of us have family who are different races than we are. We love these people for real reasons. Sometimes we argue with them and sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are right. But they are not always right; even if they are a different race than we are. Because that is real life.

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