Tuesday, December 11, 2018

False Liberals

I'm always a bit stunned by the overzealous liberals I see in the world--who are "in it" to prove to the world that they are more liberal than all "those other (white) people;" you know the ones... the others who think for themselves instead of lining up behind the latest racial inequality group or immigration protestors. Not that the conservatives who want to shoot anyone who "crosses the border illegally," are any better. Except that they might be more truthful in their motives.

I recently watched as an ethnic minority alerted neighbors to the fact that they would be observing a cultural funeral tradition and to please excuse the extra cars parked on the street. Not being a far-left liberal, I thanked them for the information and expressed my condolences for the loss. The liberal neighbors said nothing. However, I'm pretty sure that if someone had said that Black Lives Matter would be marching through the neighborhood, the same neighbors would have been cheering and handing out bottled water. Maybe they could even get on TV!

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