Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Al Sharpton Should Shut-up!

Michael Jackson died, and it has given Al Sharpton the chance to get his face on TV and pretend like he knows what he’s talking about. I’d let it go, except that I’ve been exposed to his ignorance repeatedly lately, thanks to the incessant news/media coverage of the Michael Jackson tributes, etc.

Sharpton has repeatedly said that Michael Jackson is the reason that “America” (and by that he means “White” America), now accepts Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. This is an example of “talking out of your ass.” Even if we don’t consider (among others) BB King, Aretha Franklin, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bill Cosby, and my personal favorite, Jimi Hendrix, does anyone honestly believe that Oprah would not have her show or her magazine, etc. if it wasn’t for Michael Jackson???

Not only is this an insult to the “America” that Sharpton is speaking about, it completely undermines the fact that people like Tiger Woods have achieved excellence in their field! That, is why they are celebrities.
So please, Al, shut-up! You aren’t impressive, even if you act like you are some kind of expert authority.


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