Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I would like to take this moment to send kudos to President George W. Bush.
After only five years in office, he has said something that made sense.
People should drive less, in order to save gas.
Who’d a thought it?

It reminds me of President Jimmy Carter, who asked us all to conserve energy back in the 1970’s. Perhaps we should have listened.
What happened to change that?
Oh yeah… now I remember. It was Reagonomics.

That makes sense, because last time the USA financed everything, Ronald Reagan was President. Still, George W. Bush is beating Reagan at this by far. I reckon the deficit will wreck things in this country for a while. I don’t think you can give tax breaks to the wealthy, finance a war and cleanup after a hurricane without breaking the bank.

Still, that thing about using less gas is good isn’t it?

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