Thursday, August 07, 2014

The Misadventures of Johnny Northside

Once upon a time there was an adventurous man named Johnny, who lived on the North side of a Mini-Apple. He didn't play by the rules that the backhanders used. Johnny was too enlightened to pretend that those who were gunned down in the streets were all saints—the way the media types represented them. He preferred to tell the truth as it was written in public records and even by those involved themselves—in social media. For this Johnny became a target of the dark side and those who preferred politics over correctness. How much better it appeared to the masses that the poor victim of last night's shooting was not mentioned in the news as being affiliated with a den of thieves or another from parts unknown, being shown with the gang that stood staring through the smoking of the gun. It sounded better to portray them all as "innocent victims" —even though in the book, their faces showed their true colors. But the saddest thing of all was that the politicians and thugs now stood arm in arm to censor the truth because it made them all look bad; while the lies made them all happy. Thus the Mini-Apple was now cleverly insane because of believing in things that were not real. Because everyone knows what is really happening is not nearly as important as what it appears is happening. Had Johnny not been born so enlightened, he may have gotten away with practicing freedom of speech. Why did they hate him so? A man cannot control how much enlightenment he is born with any more than he can control the color of his skin! But the dark forces and their allies would not allow the truth to be told so openly. And so the battle between good and evil persisted.


Wolves Fan in Dallas said...

Ironic that one week after this article was posted, Johnny Northside (John Hoff) had a hearing in Oklahoma City before the Oklahoma Board of Bar Examiners regarding his application to practice law. He was denied and the findings of fact - conclusions of law issued by the board highlighted the reasons. Here is the link to that document.

CuTRis said...

I honestly had no idea that someone had started a blog with that title! Thanks for the link Jim!