Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Using Things the Wrong Way is...

As street culture seems to be popular with teenagers these days, so is the trend of using and wearing things in a way contrary to how they were designed to be used. Functionality isn't important here. Appearance is what matters. Older people (i.e. those over 20 years old); will not be able to fully understand, just as those who haven't bought into street culture will not understand why crime, drug use, having illegitimate children and killing someone could make you "important."

Regarding the phenomena of using things "the wrong way," I will touch on a few.
Originally called a "Rally Cap," wearing your baseball cap inside out, upside-down and/or sideways, was a way to encourage a losing team to make a comeback late in a game. Now, it is "the style," as dictated by street culture.

Wearing your pants so that the crotch is below your knees, your butt and/or underwear sticks out, or you have to walk around holding them up because of their excessive bagginess, originally came from prison pants. Yes, the one-size-fits-all "stylish" prison apparel is now the style of any "good" street thug.

Shooting your gun sideways or upside-down obviously does nothing for marksmanship or accuracy, yet it is the preferred method of "gangstas" everywhere. This might explain why they rarely hit their intended target, and frequently kill or maim innocent people instead.

I should also mention the misuse of the English language. Using "ax," instead of the word "ask," is a leftover from ghetto Italian. If you don't believe me, listen carefully to Joe Pechi, next time you watch a movie of him portraying an Italian gangster from "New York Jersey..."
People... an "ax" is used by lumberjacks.

So, this street culture phenomena, is not even creative, so much as it has borrowed the most idiotic ideas available, and turned them "mainstream."
If you want to be an individual, go get a tattoo... oh.. yeah... I guess everyone is doing that...
That should be really "beautiful" in the nursing home someday, when it looks like a disease.

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