Friday, January 10, 2014

The 'Deli Guy'

I went to the deli the other day to buy some chicken to bring home for dinner. While waiting, the guy in front of me was commenting to the deli worker about the cold weather we had been having. It soon turned into one of those long-winded bragging sessions that went something like this.
"I lived in Alaska for a while, so this is child's play for me. (Sniff) They dropped us into chest deep snow from a huey and it was -70 degrees. Then I had to live in a tent for two weeks. I almost died."
The clerk was trying to be impressed and I wondered if the guy was going to look back at me (as I waited in line to be served during his long story) to see if I was impressed too. He didn't, but if he had I would have told him,
"That's pretty impressive; but my dad says that when he was a kid he used to walk ten miles to school through three feet of snow, against the wind, and it was uphill both ways!"

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