Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Interview

The interview... specifically, the job interview. It is one of those times in our lives when we talk to a virtual stranger, regarding one of our most important decisions. Some people misrepresent themselves. While usually this is thought to be the applicant, it is also (so I found out in the past), sometimes the employer. It is no wonder that the interview is a stressful thing—as is changing and learning a new job. Yet, often, it is good to move. If your employer is not paying you well or maybe is not running the business well, you may be able to find a better situation. But there are always risks. I've changed jobs perhaps more than most—but that may come from learning that I don't need to stay in a situation that is unstable or needlessly stressful. These changes always start with the interview. It begins with meeting someone you (typically) don't know; and negotiating what you will do and where you will spend a lot of your time and what you will get in payment and benefits in return.

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