Monday, December 31, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Excel Doc Won't Open - Insufficient Memory
Download Excel file to desktop
Right Click on file icon
Choose 'Properties'
Down and to the right, click checkbox 'Unblock'
Right Click on file icon
Choose 'Properties'
Down and to the right, click checkbox 'Unblock'
Merry Christmas!
Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!
(Disclaimer: If I just offended you that is really your problem and not mine.)
Government Shutdown
President Trump wants to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. He said Mexico would pay for it. Now if he doesn't get the money (from US taxpayers), he is threatening to shutdown the government. I'm old enough to remember the Berlin Wall. I really don't want that to happen again. I like being able to buy a cantaloupe that came from Mexico when it is winter in Minnesota.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
CuTRis Pays 'Hush Money' to Trump
CuTRis Pays 'Hush Money' to Trump
UnAssociated Press
December 14, 2018
President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen while responding to Trump's attacks following his sentencing, said that CuTRis offered hush money to Trump just yesterday!
When questioned about this, CuTRis admitted that he had offered President Trump $5 if he would just shut-up. CuTRis also said it was a very bad investment; because though he took the money, Trump has not yet stopped talking, tweeting or boasting about his alleged superhero powers.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
One Issue Voters
In my opinion, the problem with most voters in the USA is that they cast their votes based on one single issue that they hold to be the highest in importance. If that is to protect gun ownership at any cost, then so be it. A kindly, elderly, neighbor from a blue-collar background who always voted Republican once told me it was because of the abortion issue. That was the single reason she voted Republican.
Since I think both the liberals and the conservatives are full of crap, I tend to vote for candidates based on numerous issues. I can't follow party lines, because neither the Democrats or Republicans represent my own personal views. I might agree with one side on one issue and disagree on another.
I think for most people, it's easier. They only need to consider a single issue and not look at the bigger picture. But that, I think, is why politics is such a polarized shit-show in the USA.
Since I think both the liberals and the conservatives are full of crap, I tend to vote for candidates based on numerous issues. I can't follow party lines, because neither the Democrats or Republicans represent my own personal views. I might agree with one side on one issue and disagree on another.
I think for most people, it's easier. They only need to consider a single issue and not look at the bigger picture. But that, I think, is why politics is such a polarized shit-show in the USA.
False Liberals
I'm always a bit stunned by the overzealous liberals I see in the world--who are "in it" to prove to the world that they are more liberal than all "those other (white) people;" you know the ones... the others who think for themselves instead of lining up behind the latest racial inequality group or immigration protestors. Not that the conservatives who want to shoot anyone who "crosses the border illegally," are any better. Except that they might be more truthful in their motives.
I recently watched as an ethnic minority alerted neighbors to the fact that they would be observing a cultural funeral tradition and to please excuse the extra cars parked on the street. Not being a far-left liberal, I thanked them for the information and expressed my condolences for the loss. The liberal neighbors said nothing. However, I'm pretty sure that if someone had said that Black Lives Matter would be marching through the neighborhood, the same neighbors would have been cheering and handing out bottled water. Maybe they could even get on TV!
I recently watched as an ethnic minority alerted neighbors to the fact that they would be observing a cultural funeral tradition and to please excuse the extra cars parked on the street. Not being a far-left liberal, I thanked them for the information and expressed my condolences for the loss. The liberal neighbors said nothing. However, I'm pretty sure that if someone had said that Black Lives Matter would be marching through the neighborhood, the same neighbors would have been cheering and handing out bottled water. Maybe they could even get on TV!
Friday, December 07, 2018
When Fruit Looks Like a Butt
I think my wife got this from her mother. I'm not exactly sure what kind of fruit it is, but it looks like a butt.
The hardest thing I ever did was to leave my family, my friends, my house, my job and my band when I moved out east in 2003 to Providence, RI. When I realized that the dream had fallen apart and I was truly unhappy, I did the second hardest thing. I packed up and moved back home to Minnesota; and had to rebuild my life from scratch. It was hard. Some friends were aloof now and told me I had "made a mistake." But it wasn't a mistake. It was merely a step. One day as I was next to a stream in the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge (Louisville Swamp) I saw two Bald eagles tumbling through the sky at breakneck speed. I lowered my spotting scope and watched amazed as they cleared the top of my head by perhaps 10 feet--and I still remember the sound, like a kite in the wind, as their feathers cut across the air above me. And then I realized how blessed I was and I rebuilt my life. All the ties that had been toxic or holding me back were severed. Those that meant something were reestablished. Because of that step I met my wife and had my son. Because of that step I developed my career in IT and wrote numerous books (now on Amazon). But it was never easy. If it had been, it would not have been as gratifying.
Monday, December 03, 2018
Bones has Died
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Just Enough Snow
Just enough to plow
Just enough to make it white
Very slippery
Just enough to make it white
Very slippery
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Honor and Life
It has been a difficult week. My father-in-law is in the hospital. My wife has been sick a couple of days from work as well. And now, she has gone to the hospital to be with her dad. I am home with my son. Things don't look good for my father-in-law. He is an honorable man who moved his family out of a war zone. I am saddened, yet I am happy to have learned from him this one thing. We do not have to change our behavior based on the actions of others. He has always done what he thought was right—in spite of the actions of other people. That is a rare and wonderful trait. I asked my wife to let him know this just in case this is the last of his time here on Earth.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Thursday, November 08, 2018
No Gun Problem in America...
Hold onto 5 or 6 of your guns tightly and thank God that you live in good ol' America so you can have as many as you want with no way to track them (the way we do with automobiles and titles). No, there's no gun problem.
Hold onto 5 or 6 of your guns tightly and thank God that you live in good ol' America so you can have as many as you want with no way to track them (the way we do with automobiles and titles). No, there's no gun problem.
Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Do Vote; But Don't Get Info from Facebook
Make sure to vote today. But don't get your information from social media. If Facebook says to vote for Vladimir, it might be a clue that you need a more reliable source...
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
No Solicitors Means You
Just in case you think my "No Solicitors" sign doesn't mean you—because you don't think you are selling me anything, let me assure you that the sign almost surely means you. If you are "selling" me your political candidate, your version of religion or most anything else, this sign is certainly there for you. Don't bother putting propaganda garbage in my door either. That is another form of solicitation and it will go straight into the trash.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Trump Comments on Saudi's
Trump Comments on Saudi's
UnAssociated Press
October 16, 2018
"The Saudi's are great great people! They're very nice and they have a lot of oil. They're good people. That journalist was probably cut into pieces by rogue kitchen knife salesmen."
Friday, October 12, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
OK Google, EFS Superfly Dragonfly
As I was listening to music through my phone by Bluetooth, I said,
"OK Google, EFS Superfly Dragonfly"
And then I was playing my song!
"OK Google, EFS Superfly Dragonfly"
And then I was playing my song!
Thursday, October 04, 2018
Monday, October 01, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
Real Nightmare from Vietnam War
In light of the Kavanagh hearings, I would like to put some perspective on this ridiculous and embarrassing political dog and pony show. Checkout a real traumatic event.
Christine Blasey Ford's Life Could Have Been Different
Christine Blasey Ford's Life Could Have Been Different
UnAssociated Press
September 28, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford is a 51-year-old California professor and research psychologist in Northern California at Palo Alto University and the Stanford University PsyD Consortium; a clinical psychology program where she teaches statistics, research methods and psychometrics. She has accused Supreme court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh of groping her and trying to take her clothes off when they were both attending high school in Maryland in the early 1980's. She has admitted to being intoxicated, as was Kavanaugh—and has testified that the experience has traumatized her throughout her life. You see, Christine Blasey Ford did not want to become a professor and research psychologist. She had originally wanted to become a homeless drug addict.
It is a well known fact, that no high school student has ever been traumatized; especially during an unsupervised, underage drinking party. It is also well known, especially to anyone who has studied psychology, that people under the age of 18 always act responsibly. In fact, no matter that this alleged trauma happened over three decades ago when both were underage, no statute of limitations should be considered during a highly politically charged hearing for political office.
The fact remains, that this horrible, traumatic event shaped Christine Blasey Ford, and prevented her from reaching her career and life goals. Now, there is one less person who has excelled in the competitive field of the homeless drug addict. When will this shameful madness stop?
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Trump's Ego
Trump's Ego
UnAssociated Press
September 27, 2018
Shortly after Donald Trump's press conference yesterday, his ego began to grow substantially! Thinking that he had outsmarted everyone in the world (again), Trump's ego began to expand at an exponential rate! Just when the nation's capitol was about to be crushed by the giant ego, someone yelled,
"Hey! Isn't that the guy with the tiny hands???"
Suddenly, the enormous ego began to shrink. It shrank and shrank until it no longer posed a threat to the population of the USA. At least for the moment.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
More Kavanaugh Accusers
More Kavanaugh Accusers
UnAssociated Press
September 25, 208
More Kavanaugh Accusers have come forward in the last 25 hours. Details are sketchy at this time, but it appears that two more women, a man, three Doberman pinchers and a squirrel were all involved in a drunken orgy with the beleaguered Supreme Court nominee; while they were at band camp 36 years ago. Not since the Clarence Thomas hearings has there been such a ruckus over a nominee and his alleged sexual exploits.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Death of "Butt Spindell"
Two days ago, my wife decided to buy our new goldfish and took my son to the pet store. They bought four and there was also a tiny, Rosy Red Minnow that somehow got into the bag with the other fish. The poor little fish swam quickly around the tank; but unfortunately lasted only until the next evening before dying suddenly. My young son was sad. He had named the fish, "Butt-Spindell."
My son likes trains. He especially likes the Thomas and Friends trains. Frequently, he likes to quiz me on the characteristics of the Thomas and Friends engines. I unfortunately, am not very good at this, so I created the "Flippin-Rock and the Masters of the Universe" train collection. These trains were my invention and came from my mind, so I now had a chance of scoring in the train games!
My wife told our son that I was just making this all up. That, however, did not dissuade him from joining in and making even more characters! Besides Flippin-Rock, who is the main character, I came up with Pok, who my son says is actually, "Pac." And the fastest of all of the Flippin-Rock and the Masters of the Universe engines is "Butt-Spindell." Thus, my child named this speedy fish after the fastest train in the series.
After coming home from band last evening, I found these sad messages, that the new fish had passed on. Of course it was sad, but it was also a bit humorous if you knew the background story...
My son likes trains. He especially likes the Thomas and Friends trains. Frequently, he likes to quiz me on the characteristics of the Thomas and Friends engines. I unfortunately, am not very good at this, so I created the "Flippin-Rock and the Masters of the Universe" train collection. These trains were my invention and came from my mind, so I now had a chance of scoring in the train games!
My wife told our son that I was just making this all up. That, however, did not dissuade him from joining in and making even more characters! Besides Flippin-Rock, who is the main character, I came up with Pok, who my son says is actually, "Pac." And the fastest of all of the Flippin-Rock and the Masters of the Universe engines is "Butt-Spindell." Thus, my child named this speedy fish after the fastest train in the series.
After coming home from band last evening, I found these sad messages, that the new fish had passed on. Of course it was sad, but it was also a bit humorous if you knew the background story...
How it was Done 1000 Years Ago No Longer Applies
Deep down, she had to know that this was not the highlands of Laos. It must be evident on some level that the "emergency" of housing aging, sickly parents for one night while plumbing repairs were waiting, would be to simply buy them a room at a local motel. But the 1000-year-old doctrine was clear. They must be housed inside the home of a close relative. Even if that meant an uncomfortable bed or needing to climb up and down stairs and no chance of escaping the fire-escape if it was ever needed. She had her 1000-year-old reasons why it had to be done in the most difficult, laborious and time-consuming manner possible. Convenience was a thing for Americans. It was not how it was done in her culture—even if it was the better choice. In fact, even though he was not a Hmong, his idea to house them comfortably in a motel room was a grievous insult! One that would be handled in the "old way." With lengthy, passive aggressive tactics. Closing communication and sulking would prove him wrong! There was no other way. Even if everyone would be miserable! It must be done "our way!" Even if we are nearly 8000 miles from the old country and have been in the USA for four-and-a-half decades, the solution must be the ways that were established over 1000 years ago in the jungles of a slash-and-burn society. It must never change. Everyone should do it our way! There is no choice!
Monday, September 17, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
People Who Talk About Work
There are people who do work, and there are people who talk about doing work.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Thursday, September 06, 2018
Treason or Patriot?
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. -Edward Abbey
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. -Edward Abbey
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Wrong Venue, Right Message?
Is it "offensive" to have an opinion or to ask people to be responsible for themselves? Maybe this was not a good topic to headline a funeral, but it might be good to examine the argument for social value.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Door Knows "Fistful of Dollars" Theme Song

This door knows the "Fistful of Dollars" theme song.
Click the link below to hear.
Monday, August 27, 2018
John McCain
Monday, August 20, 2018
Stir-Fry: Break some Rules!
You may have some ideas about how to make a stir-fry and they may or may not be good ones. I think the tendency is to cook the meat first; which can lead to overcooked meat. In this instance I added the salmon 7th. The beans take longest, so they went in first. Also, salmon is typically not what I would use in a stir-fry, and my family seemed to enjoy it as the only meat ingredient in this one. In cooking, sometimes creativity or breaking a few rules is a good thing.
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Ingredients for a salmon stir-fry |
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The ingredients listed in the order they were added--based on cooking time |
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The Finished Product |
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Goodbye Midas
As predicted, Midas passed away quietly overnight. During her life, she was not always quiet--but rather liked banging the lid of her tank at all hours of the day and night. She lived a long life, 12 years with us in 3 different homes. She will be missed and we now return her spirit to God. Funeral and burial services will be this evening, August 15, 2018.
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