Friday, August 07, 2015

Can I Wear a Sword to the Polygamist's Wedding?

I'm thinking about trying to get a permit to carry a sword. If people can carry guns in public places, I think I should be allowed to carry a sword.

I might want to carry the sword when I attend the wedding of a polygamist. Some men on the Hmong side of my family, have more than one wife. Of course, they can only marry one of them legally, but they can marry more than one in the cultural ceremony. Now that same-sex marriage is legal, why isn't polygamy legal too? How do we know where to draw the line?

We should also remember that since we must respect everyone's culture, that we should respect their cultural ideas regarding marriage as well.

Perhaps all of these things will be figured out soon. It is all pretty easy to understand if you think about it. Take the Boy Scouts for instance. That organization has been pressured for years to be politically correct—and so they have allowed gays into the membership. That wasn't good enough though, and finally they have consented to allow gay adult leaders as well! This was a huge step forward—and came right about the same time the Boy Scouts of America is defending itself in lawsuits levied by former scouts who were sexually abused by adult leaders!

It's not like society wants things both ways. This is all pretty easy to figure out. There are two sides to every issue (three if you count the center) and everyone picks where they reside pertaining to each individual idea. Then politics and special interest groups pressure everyone into being accepting of everyone else! At least until they cross the line. I mean if we know where the line is...

Therefore, I think I have a pretty good chance at being able to wear a sword at the next polygamist wedding.


1 comment:

LDM said...

If you are gonna carry one make it a good one