Monday, October 19, 2020

More Positive

It seems that so many of our daily interactions have become negative. Negativity becomes a disease that can unfortunately be passed on to successive generations. I recently thwarted an attack from a pair of individuals who were angered because I suggested that some people need to become more responsible. This went against their beliefs. So I refused to engage them even though they came after me on my own turf. But it seems that some people live for those confrontations because they assume many things--including that they are always right. While I'm in favor of constructive confrontation, there are times when no good will come of the debate. Typically, I am fine with whatever you want to post as long as you do it on your own venue and not mine. I don't tend to go tell you when I think you're wrong; even if I don't believe anything that you said. In fact, sometimes it's interesting to see or hear other people's differing viewpoints. So as I'm trying to find more positive things in the world, I have in some cases, chosen silence rather than to be baited into a pointless, negative experience. Granted there is much negativity right now with our divided nation and a pandemic. We have also seen that discrimination does exist; and some people do not know how to act when confronted by police or authority figures. That said, no one should assume that these people are incapable of acting responsibly. Children need to be taught responsibility. Instead, it seems that they are being taught our societal negatives such as racism. Having played with other children when I was young who were a different race, I don't believe that children are born racist. That is a learned idea. Having matured, grown up, and married a woman who is not of my race, I can tell you that while there are differences, there are more similarities. And people of all races can act responsibly and follow rules. And if you are one of the people who thinks that they can't follow the rules and these rules need to be adjusted, then perhaps you are exhibiting a different form of racism. The world is not what you see on the TV news. The world is not what you hear on a political commercial. Our world is not one thing or one way; it is many things and many ways and many different people all blended together. I don't believe communism can work, and I don't believe in fascism. I reside in the middle. Unfortunately very few people seem to see the middle right now. The middle is where I find my truth. The middle is where I find my positive perspective. I'm going to stay in the middle and I'm going to try not to let anyone drag me into the negative. I believe our better way of life and our better days depend on us becoming more positive as a unified people. -KJC

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