Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Jury Selection to Begin in Jesse Ventura's 'American Sniper' Suit

I noticed the news headlines and there, amongst them was this totally ridiculous lawsuit filed by Jesse Ventura with the title, Jury Selection to Begin in Jesse Ventura's 'American Sniper' Suit. But then, when hundreds of people are trying to cross the border from Mexico into the USA, why should I be surprised by the actions of a man who has claimed he is (mad at the USA and) going to become a Mexican citizen? This whole thing brings me back to elementary school where a certain individual in my class was primarily concerned with how tough everyone thought he was. From all accounts, this guy never grew up—and neither did Ventura. Not that I would believe Chris Kyle either; but that is my point. Who gives a crap about any of this? In the world of tough guys there are only three truths.

1. Most of them will say anything to make themselves look tough. Look how many times Ventura brought his own problems (from the "media jackals") because he couldn't back up his big mouth with facts!

2. No matter how tough someone is, somebody else will come along who is tougher.

3. The toughest guys don't need to brag about how tough they are.

So forgive me, but to sue the wife of a dead guy because you claim your fame and fortune was ruined by a (reference in his book about a) fight that never happened is really stupid. I can't believe such things bog down our court system. For being such big tough guys, these men can be awfully sensitive and emotionally fragile!

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