Monday, January 04, 2021

How Will History See Us?

By Kevin J. Curtis

I'm wondering how history will treat those of us who were adults living through 2020. When so many people have been so critical of how other people acted in past history, how will we be judged 100 years from now? Will those of us who were careful during the pandemic, to wear masks and follow safety guidelines be considered correct; or will it be those who are demanding to reopen businesses and sports and allow nature to run its course? Will those who question every decision and action made by police be the ones history sees as right? Or, will it be those who believe that everyone has a role in responsibility not just some? Will the people who want to advocate for business be the ones history finds correct? Or, will it be the people who are concerned about climate change and our natural ecosystem? Will the people who believe in democracy prevail; or will history see the 2020 presidential election as being a fraud and stolen from the rightful winner as some people believe regardless of the available evidence? I expect that most of us will never know how history judges us. But perhaps our children or grandchildren or great-great grandchildren will see us in that 2020 hindsight. I'm rather certain that history will see us as a people unwilling to compromise or see the views of others. Perhaps history will even see us as whiny and never satisfied. Maybe history will see us as more willing to attack other's viewpoints, than to make positive changes in ourselves. Because like it or not, future generations will judge us, just as we have judged our predecessors.


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