Friday, May 10, 2013

Dead Sock

One of the saddest things in day-to-day life is seeing roadkill. One minute whatever it was, is bounding happily across the Interstate, and the next minute it is smashed! Sometimes you can tell what it used to be, and sometimes it gets hit again and the species is no longer distinguishable. So, though I don't normally take pictures of roadkill, I came across this the other day. It was sad. A dead sock most likely... or perhaps a long lost mitten. It doesn't matter much at this point. Decayed, lifeless and laying on the roadway waiting to rot or be removed. One minute the sock was enjoying its life, and then suddenly it was without a foot. No one knows what happened to its mate. Just the crash and death--and all that remains are the remains. At least the sock is no longer in pain. .. stuck there in the last position of death. I turn my head and walk on.

Dead Sock

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