Thursday, August 01, 2024

CuTRis will Likely be Harris' Vice President

CuTRis will Likely be Harris' Vice President
UnAssociated Press
August 1, 2024

It is now widely thought that CuTRis will be Kamala Harris' running mate, as Vice President. CuTRis is well known for his belief that Donald Trump is a total ass clown.
"Trump is all about scaring paranoid people into fearing "brown people." It's ridiculous I know, but it works with those who follow him in spite of his criminal activity, insults and mistreatment of women, minorities, disabled people and anyone who isn't rich and white," CuTRis told reporters. "The real enemy is not minorities and immigrants," he continued. "It's corporations that are draining the money, and the life, out of the American people."

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