Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mischief in Overdrive

Mr. Mischief
In the last week or so, my son has stepped up his mischief level by quite a bit. He seems to be testing his mom and me at every moment. He will go from one "no no" thing to the next and frequently looks me right in the eye as he does it. It is all very funny to him, and trying to get it through to him that he is being naughty is not easy! I raise my voice and look him in the eye--and then he smiles and goes to the next thing he has been told not to do 100 times before. I guess this is part of his development and becoming so mobile. We have to watch him constantly or he is climbing furniture, pulling at electrical cords or reaching for the stove knobs. His language skills are increasing as rapidly as the mischief; and when he is removed from something he shouldn't be into, he will shake his head and say, "No no. Uh uh!" Basic activities like dressing him can sometimes be a wrestling match because he doesn't want to stay still. He was watering plants the other day with his mom (he has his own small watering can) and ended up watering himself. Of course, he had a big smile on his face afterward...

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