Thursday, September 13, 2012

God's Gift

And God swept off the Earth and it was beautiful and clean; so he gave it to Man as a home. And Earth was filled with Plants and Animals and though Man was puny and weak compared to most of them, Man was Intelligent. In fact, Man was the most intelligent of the animals except perhaps for the whales and dolphins—who only had flippers and so could not manipulate their environment the way that Man could.

Using the combination of intelligence and dexterity, Man soon learned to manipulate the environment and subjugate the plants and animals for his own benefit. Man began to become greedy and so Man used, took, killed and even began killing his own kind. Soon Man began to use and throw away large quantities of things that began to pollute the Earth. Man’s greed prevented him from seeing his home as a fragile, interdependent web of life—and so Man continued to pillage the Earth.

Eventually, though Man had conquered many things, he was unable to conquer his own greed. And so, after a good long run on the Earth, Man died in his own filth and was replaced by the plants and animals that were able to survive in spite of Man’s interference.


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