Friday, June 03, 2011

Cutris Uses Book Royalties to Buy M & M's

Cutris Uses Book Royalties to Buy M & M's
UnAssociated Press
June 3, 2011

After selling one million copies of his novel Cottonwood, (including his Amazon sales), Cutris says he is ready to make a big purchase! When the UAP asked him what he planned to buy, Cutris replied that he was planning to buy a large bag of M&M'S. This seemed like an awfully small purchase for a man who has sold a million copies of his novel Cottonwood, (including his Amazon sales), so we at the UnAssociated Press decided to ask him about it.

AP: So why aren't you going to buy something big? A million copies is a lot of books to sell.

Cutris: Yes, that is true. However, when you are a relatively unknown author, the publisher keeps most of the profits. If you have an agent, they get their cut. By the time you get back to the author, there isn't very much money left.

AP: How much do you think you've made so far?

Cutris: Let's see... One million sold, minus publisher's cut, minus expenses, carry the one... I think I've made about $3.27.

AP: That's it?

Cutris: I'm almost positive, yes.

AP: Huh... Well enjoy your M&M'S!

Cutris: Thank you, I will!

So there you have it. Cutris: has sold one million copies of his novel Cottonwood, (including his Amazon sales), and he is going to buy a large bag of M&M'S.

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