Saturday, November 05, 2005

Cutris Announces Candidacy

Cutris Announces Candidacy
November 5, 2005
unAssociated Press

Today, Cutris announced his candidacy in the election for United States President in November of 2008. When asked what he thought he could bring to the country that was currently lacking, he said,
“I will try to tell the truth at least 95% of the time.”
This would be an increase of 77.31% over the Bush Administration. Cutris was asked about his platform, for which he promptly replied,
“I am currently working on the Shack Platform. I hope to have both the platform and my shack built before the election.”
A right-wing liberal asked the question about the abortion issue. Cutris responded,
“The abortion issue is not a political issue. It should be decided by individuals, their doctors and families.”
When asked about the war in Iraq, Cutris fired back.
“Why are we still there? They don’t want us there and we didn’t find weapons of mass destruction. We also removed Saddam Hussein from power. It seems the objectives were achieved.” When asked what three people he would have dinner with (living or dead) if he could, Cutris quickly replied,
“Genghis Khan, Stephen Hawking and Chief Washakie.” When asked about his party affiliation, Cutris stated,
“I am in the Shack Party.” In answer to the question of whether he thought he could win the presidential election, he said,
“I reckon we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we?”

1 comment:

LDM said...

Taken out of a speech by Chief Wasakie: "The White Man, who possesses this whole vast Country from Sea to Sea, who roams over it at pleasure and lives where he likes, cannot know the cramp we feel in this little spot, with the underlying rememberance of the fact, which you know as well as we, that every foot of what you proudly call America, not very long ago belonged to the Red Man. The Great Spirit gave it to us. There was room for all His Many Tribes, and all were happy in their freedom. The White Man's Government promised that if we, the Shoshone's, would be content with the little patch allowed us, it would keep us well supplied with everything necessary for comfortable living, and would see that no White Man should cross our borders for our game or anything that is our's. But it has not kept it's word! The white man kills our game, captures our furs, and sometimes feeds his herds upon our meadows. And your great and mighty government, oh sir, I heritate, for I cannot tell the half, it does not protect our rights! It leaves us without the promised seed, without tools for cultivating the land, without implements for harvesting our crops, without breeding animals better than our's, without the food we still lack, after all we can do, without the many comforts we cannot produce, without the schools we so much need for our children. I say again, the Government does not keep it's word!"