Friday, September 13, 2024

A Hike

I worked hard to get all of my stuff done this week, so that I could have an hour to myself to go hiking when I finished with work today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Trap, the Vole and the Broad-winged Hawk

A cool thing happened today. It took a while to get to the cool part though. I caught a vole in a mousetrap that I had along the fence along their runways. Unfortunately it didn't die and it was pinned in the trap so when I picked up the trap it started squeaking like crazy. So, I put the trap down and bashed its head in. Then I pulled it out of the trap and threw it over the tall fence into the front yard so that I could go around to the other side and put it in the garbage. But I noticed something through the crack in the fence and took a closer look. It was a Broad-winged hawk who had landed right there where I tossed the mouse. I reached for my phone to get a picture but the hawk picked up the vole and flew away. It was pretty cool, but also stresses why using poisons is not a good method of killing things.

911 23 Years

Trump Logic

"That war that killed millions and millions would never have started if babies who were killed in the 11th month ate the pets who took your guns away and made inflation go up while immigrants killed you while you were trying to afford to buy bread!"

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Grilled Chicken & Backyard Garden Squash & Beans

September Vegetables

2024 US Presidential Election Primer

In July 1776, some Americans decided to remove the king. Safeguards were made to ensure no one person had too much power. November of 2024, you can decide if you want a king again.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Trump Doesn't Like Immigrants

Our Hmong neighbors invited us over to a ceremony honoring the grandpa and grandma. Of course, as usual, an influential clan leader asked me to hangout with him. Clan leaders do this to me sometimes. We were talking, and ended up eventually on politics. He said he was voting for Trump. I said "really? You know he thinks you're the problem. He doesn't like immigrants and forgot his own family came from Germany." My new friend then said, "that's true isn't it? We better vote for Harris huh?" I said "yeah." I excused myself later, though he protested when I wanted to leave. I guess I make friends easily. 🙂

Friday, September 06, 2024

Colors Only for a Minute

900 Year Fix

One of my customers was wondering why some data wasn't showing up the other day... we checked everything and we weren't getting complete records from their information system. So we asked them to check on that and today they told me the record was dated 2924. So the good news is, if no one would have found that, it would have corrected itself in 900 years.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Minnesota Media Caricatures

In case anyone cares, nobody in Minnesota talks like the caricatures that are circulating. In fact, the national news anchors adopt a "Midwestern" accent for TV, regardless of where they are from. I've lived in Minnesota most of my life. The people are generally well educated. They don't live on tater-tot hotdish and say, "Yah you betcha!" But, since there is very little truth being told these days, this manufactured, completely inaccurate version of Minnesotans is being circulated by liberals and conservatives alike. It's apparently considered politically correct because it also incorrectly perpetuates the myth that only people of white European ancestry live here.