Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Who is "Driving," as the USA Heads To Election Sewer?

As the USA comes ever closer to a rematch between two presidential candidates who are both unfit, and both too self-centered to put the country ahead of their personal desires, I have to ask... "who is driving?"

While the country appears to be polarized into ridiculously extremes of liberal and conservatism, I don't believe that many people would agree, that our best and brightest are in the running for the top job.

So, how come we can't get real, quality candidates? Am I to believe that after the last shit-show of an election, the same two "grouchy old men" are still the best we've got???

So what if the elections are fair and every ballot is counted? When the only choices are bad and worse, it seems that the 2-party system has left us with once again, not choosing the best candidate for the job, but rather, the one who isn't as bad as the other one.

Out of some 332 million people in the United States of America, Joe Biden (81) and Donald Trump (77) are not the best we have. I cannot believe such an idiotic notion that they are.

So why? Who is driving? How do we stop the bus?

1 comment:

CuTRis said...