Tuesday, September 01, 2020

When You Climb to the Top from the Bottom

Today the Minnesota Historical Society paid out my vacation time to complete my COVID-19 layoff. So I guess I'm on vacation this week. That's what I'll have to tell the unemployment office. As I was about to feel depressed, I saw my reflection in the mirror. At 165 lbs., and tanned bronze, I noticed how good being "on vacation" all summer looked on me. I'd just returned from biking with my son too. Today I biked up a dirt hill so long and so steep that my front tire was coming off the ground and my back tire was spinning. I wasn't sure I could make it up to the top. But I did. As great as it is to have a job, sitting on your butt fixing computers through a virtual network doesn't contribute to good health. Good health is worth more than anything; as I learned in February. I think I've got this...

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