Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump's "Go Back to Where You Came From" Mentality

Our country is fixated on race when the problem of discrimination is much deeper than that. It's a great attribute of humanity to be able to discriminate between right and wrong, hot and cold. It's a serious shortcoming to treat those who differ from us poorly. Humans have a long history of doing mean things to others who they perceive as different.

The color of one's skin stands out and is an easy focal point for those who are not particularly intelligent. But if that difference doesn't exist, the lines will fall between ethnicity or country of origin. If everyone came from the same place, that small, timid kid is likely to get picked on. Humanity is not so different than it was when the fans cheered their favorite gladiator at the colosseum.

But now, there is a backlash in the form of political correctness. This too, is rarely practiced at a moderate level—which tends to push it further from reality.

In the case of Donald Trump, there may be a bit of racism in his rhetoric. This is simply because while he likes to marry immigrants, they are Caucasian and not from what he refers to as, "shit-hole countries;" which seem to be where darker skinned people historically come from.

So racism, is simply one single version of the larger category of discrimination. And here in the good old USA, people always seem to have difficulty accepting the newest immigrant group; whoever they are.


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