Thursday, September 24, 2015

STOP Running in Front of Cars!

I have noticed since the days are shorter and it gets dark for longer, that there are numerous people in my neighborhood who like to run across the street in front of cars in the dark! Don't they know that their lives matter? This morning, in the dark, in the rain, a guy ran in front of my car just blocks from home—I think he was trying to catch the bus that was behind me. I only managed to see him at the last second and slammed on my brakes; in the rain, and he got to the other side without being killed... The image was like I remember from driver's training long ago in the simulator—when a person would appear out of nowhere in front of you! If I hadn't reacted as quickly as I did, this guy may have missed the bus permanently.

Stop running in front of cars—especially in the dark!

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