Monday, December 17, 2012

What Can we Learn from Connecticut Shooting?

Whether you believe in gun control or if you believe that more people (like armed teachers) having guns is the answer, everyone in America should be embarrassed that we live in a country where children are gunned down in their elementary school. This is completely unacceptable in a country where the general attitude is that we are somehow more civilized than much of the rest of the world.

The fact is, to many Americans, having guns without restrictions, is more important than if people (especially people they don't know) get killed. Politicians know that the issue of gun control can easily end their political careers because of the political power and financial backing of the National Rifle Association. If a fraction of that financial power could be used to increase security in our schools, how great would that be?

Most schools are "protected" by having only the front door unlocked and a sign that tells visitors that they must sign in at the office! Some may also have an unarmed person at the front door. Much of this gets down to how much money will be allocated to security--when statistically, the chances are that it really won't be needed anyway.

We as citizens of the USA should be asking what we collectively can do about preventing cowards with guns from going to schools, shopping malls, political rallies and such things--and killing innocent people. Will giving everyone a gun make us safer? Are our educators capable of taking on the role of armed security? If two people get into an argument on the street, is it really less likely that there will be deadly violence if both of them are armed? Who should have a gun and who shouldn't? Who makes sure the guns people buy are secure?

When do we as a nation worry about our children as much as we worry about having our guns? When do we say we've had enough of gun violence? Is it too much to ask that a gun owner should account for his gun(s) annually to their local law enforcement agency? Is there a reasonable limit to how many guns one person should be allowed to own? Is it so unreasonable that gun owners should be asked to be responsible and accountable?

The murders of the people... of the children in Connecticut last Friday, makes me ashamed of our stand on gun control in our country. I'm embarrassed that children were killed in their elementary school. I don't want to ever hear of such a thing again. I'm upset that the media sensationalizes it and gets the story wrong ten times along the way. I'm upset that the shooter is given publicity. I'm sad that those little children died and I want something to change so it doesn't happen again.

So am I just a bleeding-heart liberal? So be it! I wish we could protect our children. What could be more devastating than to bury your baby before the holidays because a filthy coward shot him or her?


1 comment:

Jaggibutt said...

Doesn't matter what they would call you. I'd call you a voice of reason, a true friend and caring fellow human being. More of a man than
most, because what matters is this, our children. Somewhere along the way, we as a society lost sight of this. If we truly don't believe that the lives of our children are more important than the NRA and their guns and their precious rights? Then we are, in fact, done.
There's only 4 million members of this NRA, there are 7 Billion minus 27, people on earth.

We need to remind everyone who will listen of these matters, because the current state of affairs is unacceptable. It's up to me and you.
Whats it going to be America, your guns? or our children? I am ashamed of this nation.

I have already been told to shut up and called names over this question.

Apparently I have gotten right down to the heart of the matter now haven't I?

I will keep pointing to the pools of innocent blood and rubbing the noses in it. These were our children, all of us have a moral human duty to try to change any and everything, so that this evil will never visit any of us again. What's it gonna be?