Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Paris Hilton for President?

An interesting video on the news yesterday shows Paris Hilton talking about the two (U.S.) 2008 presidential candidates. Paris lays out a rather sensible energy plan, which seems to put both McCain and Obama to shame. Of course, being Paris Hilton, she ruins it by continuing to talk and say that she is ready to be the next president and that she will paint the White House pink. There is actually a presidential site for her at

I recall a time when Minnesotans were fed up with politics and politicians. We voted Jesse Ventura into the governor’s mansion, where his son held wild parties while his parents were elsewhere. Ventura was interesting, and made sense in the debates. It soon became clear, however, that he was a giant wuss who blamed the media for all of his self induced problems.

Like Paris Hilton, Jesse Ventura was created by the media. Paris was born into a rich family and that is her claim to fame. Ventura was a “pro wrestler” which gained him notoriety. Neither one should talk as much as they do, since it generally reveals their weaknesses. I don’t believe Paris came up with that energy policy on her own, and I don’t want to hear her calling foreign dignitaries “bitches.” Likewise when Ventura bragged about “hunting men,” the media searched for documentation of his combat experience and Ventura cried about how horribly they treated him. Guess what buddy? The media made you famous!

In the end, the only clear choice for President is still Cutris. Accept no imitations.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

Paris obviously has some marketing savvy; she can turn anything into a PR boost for herself... thx to McCain's miscalculation, she'll be selling more cans of wine than ever