Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Racial Humor

While stereotypes are never 100% accurate, they exist because of a certain, underlying element of truth. Often, they are like a caricature of reality. In this spirit, I have playfully looked at some racial stereotypes, and also used some firsthand things that I have witnessed.

It seems that when a Caucasian and an African-American are engaged in a debate (argument), if the Caucasian uses logic to his advantage, it will likely be trumped by an even more powerful tool, the allegation that the white person is a racist. Once this allegation is levied, the white person is presumed guilty until proven innocent. It is as if a black hole in space has grabbed hold of the Caucasian, and it sucks him into the depths of doom.

At the school where I work, I noticed that the Latino students are now actively using this technique as well. My observations seem to indicate that whatever the black kids are doing today, the Hispanic kids will be doing next week. I think we have seen this demonstrated with Rap music. This is not to say, that there aren’t white kids who are doing this too, because some are. On a related note, few things are more humorous than a white person who is desperately trying to be black!

Here is a caricature of two Mexican kids at a park, talking to each other on cell phones as they watch a black kid from opposite ends of the park.
Jose’: “What is he doing man?”
Juan: “I think he is jumping man.”
Jose’: “He’s doing what man?”
Juan: “ I said he is jumping man!”
Jose’: “Why is he jumping?”
Juan: “I don’t know man; I think he’s listening to music man.”
Jose’ “How high is he jumping man?”
Juan: “What? I don’t know man!”
Jose’: “Well find out Hesse, we need to start doing that on Tuesday!”

Jose’: “Wait… what is that Asian kid doing?”
Juan’: “I don’t know man, he has a book… I think it says ‘Calculus!!!”’
Jose’: “Aaaaahhhh!”

Since I am white, I realize that I am disallowed from making commentaries and jokes about this. How unfortunate that it is acceptable (regardless of your race) to say negative things about Caucasians, but playful attempts to understand such things by a white person are generally met with hostility. My intent is not to offend, but to strike a chord of humor based on observations. This is risky business in a society of people who are determined to be offended by others who are different from them.

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