Friday, June 28, 2024

Unacceptable Presidential Candidates

Okay we watched them debate. One is a compulsive liar with an unsubstantiated flurry of words that he thinks provide proof. Anyone of reasonable intelligence can see through this with relative ease. The other one, is obviously suffering from age-related cognitive impairment. I'm afraid we can't accept your proposals. Please go back and get your teams together and have some new candidates' files on my desk by Monday morning.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Truth in the USA???

There is an unfortunate problem in the United States of America, with knowing, telling and believing the truth. While it is generally not talked about, poverty in the USA is the 4th leading cause of death.

When so many other countries have successfully implemented national healthcare, why does the USA not have it? One of the main arguments against it, seems to be that it takes too long to get appointments to see a doctor when you need one. Since it regularly takes two months to see a doctor (often longer for a specialist), now, in the United States, I call BS on that argument.

Some countries even have free or reduced cost for college educations! Not in the USA though. The "richest country in the world," seems to only apply to a small fraction of the US population. In fact, if the US government sees you as below the poverty line, you are in pretty bad shape.

So, the issue in America, is that corporations tend to dictate to the politicians, and the politicians then decide who gets what. If you don't see (or want to see) this, then why are so many Americans unhappy with the choice for President coming down (once again) to Biden or Trump?

The two-party system in the USA is corrupt and broken. Both parties are lying in order to keep themselves rich. How many poor politicians do you know? How many presidential candidates are not millionaires or better? If the two parties can make things about racial discrimination and crime and safety, they can successfully steer the population away from the truth about poverty (and its effect on all races) and the obscene amount of money being made by flooding the world with guns. Why do conservatives want to scare you about gun crimes, while fighting against gun controls? Why do liberals think that certain demographic groups don't need to be as responsible as others? Do I really need to answer? It's because they are lying to us. It's because they want political power. It's because politicians decide who gets what. They decide who pays, who gets tax breaks, who gets marginalized and who gets rich.

So, what do we do to change this? For a start, that means we need to educate the poor about the need to vote. The number of disenfranchised people who are poor could begin a shift away from the corporate takeover of democracy. It won't be easy. But it is time to take back the political system from the radical left and radical right. It's time to use the voting process and the legal system to create some economic equality. It's time to look at the truth, and not be derailed by half-truths about poverty and racism. We spend all of our time fighting battles that someone created for us, while we continue to live with inadequate healthcare, education and economic resources. We need to believe in science, and stop allowing misinterpretations of religion and morality to govern our beliefs.

-Kevin J. Curtis, 20240626

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Deer Again...

They like the neighbor's yard because he doesn't mow. The doe likes our gardens. The fawn still relies on milk.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

You Can't Hide Yer Lyin' Deer

City deer just seem to find out early How to eat your plants in just a while A rich old garden and she won't have to worry She'll jump up over the fence, and arrive in style...

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

My son was editing his juice box at Noodles & Company. The box was sweating from condensation, so the "non" that he was trying to put in front of the word "organic," didn't turn out very well. The interesting thing about this is, I know exactly where he gets this stuff from...

Sunday, June 16, 2024

When Father's Day is Hard

This year, Father's Day has a good dose of reflection, and sadness. My father is experiencing a life-changing decline due to Parkinson's disease. Because of my mom's efforts, he has been able to live the last 3 years somewhat normally. But now, recently, that is no longer possible. This is what life is, and death. And sometimes, there is that thing in the middle that no one wants to think about, or experience.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024