Once upon a time there was an evil queen, known as the Black Queen. She was very dumb and needed lots of help from her court in order to keep rigid control of the subjects in her kingdom. The evil queen had an axe that she liked to swing around at people. Though she tried to pretend to be nice, it was plain to see that she was nasty as could be.
Also in the kingdom was a prince. The prince was unable to concentrate on anything for very long, but he was extremely loyal to the evil queen. He would send anyone to the dungeon if they disagreed with the queen. So, the evil prince kept the evil queen happy and she kept him safe.
The subjects of the kingdom were growing unhappy, because the kingdom was run simply to keep the queen and the prince rich and powerful. Meanwhile the subjects were just there to do all of the work. While the queen and prince frequently told the subjects that they were important and valued, their words did not mirror their actions and so no one believed much of what they said.
In this kingdom there was a handsome and intelligent wizard. The wizard was smarter than the queen and the prince put together times a million! No matter how they restricted his communications he always found a way to get his point across. The queen especially was deathly afraid of the truth. The evil queen and the evil prince made things up to suit them instead of dealing with reality.
Then summer came and it was time to go fishing.