President George W. Bush marked yesterday's anniversary of year five in the Iraq war, by saying that he made the right decision. This after the May 1, 2003 "Mission Accomplished" speech, 4,000 dead U.S. soldiers, many more casualties, 80,000 dead Iraqi civilians, billions of dollars spent, our economy faltering, gas at an all time high, Al-Qaeda
now in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan still burning (on the second burner), and NO WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!
Way to stick to your guns there George...
When vice-president DICK Cheney was asked (courtesy of ABC) about recent polls that show about two-thirds of Americans saying the fight in Iraq is not worth it, Cheney replied, "So?"
"You don't care what the American people think?" Martha Raddatz asked the vice-president.
"You can't be blown off course by polls," said Cheney, who is currently touring the Middle East.
Wow... how can you be so stupidly arrogant? Unless you are rich and out-of-touch with the "regular" people. You know, the ones who spend a lot of money on "regular" gas that makes families with oil interests wealthy.
One could ask if they are too misguided to know that the eventual fall of America could affect their huge bank accounts. The answer is obviously yes.