I think it should be clear to everyone in the world after ISIS
burned a Jordanian pilot to death in a cage, that
ISIS, is not about
Islam. It is not about religion at all. It is about
terrorism. Unless your religion involves the
dark angel, I can't think of any religion that believes it is good to put a man inside of a cage and then burn him alive. Certainly it may be shocking—as are the other videos ISIS has posted of beheadings. However, if we look at humanity historically, these
Crimes against humanity have existed for as long as humanity itself. That said, historically, the greater population typically outnumbers those who are
deranged enough to want such atrocities to continue. In essence, ISIS may have signed its own death warrant. While the creation and distribution of these disturbing videos is meant to terrorize the world into allowing ISIS to flourish, I think it will have the opposite effect. No normal person with a soul could see these acts as anything other than
atrocities and those responsible for them needing immediate extermination. We are no longer divided by religion, ideology or any such notions. We know who is in the wrong. And while the terrorist recruiters have found unhappy, disenfranchised and weak-willed recruits, this will ultimately dry up as the ISIS fighters continue to be killed in the struggle.