Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I have had the opportunity over the years, to work with many diverse groups of people. I have learned a lot in these situations. There is one particular thing that I find really bothersome, so I would like to bestow some wisdom (totally free of charge) to some people out there –who apparently don’t know this.

If two (or more) people get into a disagreement; that is what it is. It is a disagreement. This occurs throughout life, and indeed, it is a necessary part of living in communities.

Here comes the important thing…

When such a disagreement occurs, it is not necessarily the case that the individual with the lighter color skin is a racist. In fact, using this skin differentiation to try to win a disagreement could be showing racism by the accuser.

Stick to the disagreement. Use logic and facts to calmly support your case. Forget the cop-out strategy, it has been way overused.

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