Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tunnel Vision

I am often astounded at the narrow thinking of some people. I was reading the news story that said,

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has mixed feelings about President George W. Bush's choice of John Roberts to replace her.
O'Connor said the federal appeals court judge is "first rate," but she's disappointed that the nominee isn't a woman.

Now if the idea is that hiring should be based on who is most qualified for the job, rather than what race or sex a person is, why would a female judge need to be replaced by another female; or why would a minority school superintendent need to be replaced by another minority? Isn’t this illegal and doesn’t it contradict fair hiring practices? Why is some discrimination okay while some is not? Why can’t we hire solely on qualifications? Why does society take a few steps forward, and then a few more backward again?

Until things are fair for everybody, it will never be fair.

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