Sunday, August 02, 2020

Research vs Cancel Culture

The current trend is to blame systemic racism for inequality, and cancel culture has stopped the exploration into other possible factors; and so, solutions. Some questions I have are what are the reasons that some African-Americans have succeeded while others haven't? Second, of the growing number of black homeowners in my neighborhood, many seem to be recent immigrants from Africa. Why are they able to succeed? Answering the systemic differences between success and not may offer real solutions.

Simply looking at obvious, surface issues without further exploration is inconsistent with scientific study. If a patient told her doctor she had foot pain and the doctor simply prescribed pain medication without further study, the results could be disastrous. If the pain was caused by diabetes, introducing more medication for the body to process could make the original disease worse. Yet, this is how cancel culture diagnoses social illness.

Now, after all that's happened, is there less violence or more? Is there progress in equality or more divisions? What is working and what is not? We need more ideas, not less--if we ever want to solve this. The more times I ride the Earth around the Sun, the more I see how things look one way on the surface and another when we look at all the angles. Often if you find the true resolution to one problem, you fix one or two more along the way.

If we can agree to multiple cultures, different lifestyles, more than one religion and a variety of colors, surely we have already proven that there is room for multiple answers and multiple reasons. Now it's time to live the changes we want to see.

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