Sunday, August 23, 2020

What I Learned about Business During the Pandemic

The pandemic taught us much about business practices. For instance, how best to cut staff to save money and preserve the important people. From what I observed, cutting the people who make the least amount of money nets the most savings. These are the people who do the work; and so are less important. The top administrators should all be kept; because they talk about doing work; and so are more important. They may also be who decides who gets laid off. If you have for example, one director and four deputy directors, all should be kept--even if half the workforce is cut. Another rule of thumb is, (another example), if you have a work unit of 13, consisting of 2 supervisors and 11 workers, cut 7 of the workers and keep the 2 supervisors for the remaining 4 workers. This will ensure to maximize meetings, while making the remaining employees work harder. This is truly the best plan during difficult economic times.

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